Year | Title | Publisher |
2023.07 | Effect of Cooling Rate and Temperature on Intercritical Annealing of Medium-Carbon Cr-Mo Alloy for High Strength Cold Heading Quality Wire Rod | Korean J. KSHRT. |
2023.05 | High Temperature Deformation and Microstructural Evolution of Homogenized AA 2026 Alloy | Korean J. Met. Mater. |
2022.05 | Hot Workability and Dynamic Recrystallization Behaviors of Medium-Carbon Cr-Mo Alloys for High Strength Cold Heading Quality Wire Rod | Korean J. Met. Mater. |
2021-03 | Characterization of Interfacial Microstructure of Cast Iron Inserts Dipping in Aluminum Alloy Melt | J Nanosci Nanotechnol |
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